We are pleased to have the following leaders joining us:
Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., is the under-secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and has served in Canada, Latin America, Africa, and Rome.
Edith Avila Olea is an immigrant advocate in Chicago, Illinois and is a board member of Bread for the World. She is the former justice and peace associate director for the Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Illinois.
Claire Giangravé is the Vatican correspondent for Religion News Service where she covers Pope Francis and the global Catholic Church. She has worked previously at Crux, Catholic News Service, PBS, and MSNBC News.
Sr. Nancy Schreck, OSF, is the program director of Excel, Inc., a program center in Okolona, Mississippi. She is former president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and former president of the Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, Iowa.
Kim Daniels, associate director of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life and a member of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication, will moderate the conversation.
Rev. Mark Bosco, S.J., vice president of Mission and Ministry at Georgetown University, will open the dialogue with prayer from Dahlgren Chapel at Georgetown. To ask the panel a question, please email cathsocialthought@georgetown.edu and use the subject line "Question for Online Dialogue: Fratelli Tutti”.
If you have any technical questions, you can email Anna Misleh at cathsocialthought@georgetown.edu.