Laudato Si' Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity
                                                                     Laudato Si'            Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity                                                          

Encyclical Laudato Si Dialogue

Cardinal Peter Turkson; Prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development


On care for our common home: A dialogue guide for Laudato Si’
The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice encourages people to discuss – to talk to one another about things that matter. In this publication, On care for our common home – A dialogue guide for Laudato Si’, the Forum facilitates a thorough study of the recent encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, On care for our common home. This document is available in English and French.
Dialogue Guide for Laudato Si (SJ).pdf
PDF-Dokument [5.6 MB]
Introduction Laudato si' - a useful map - Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
A useful guide for an initial reading of the Encyclical for each of the six chapters, there is a one-page summary which gives the argument or main points and some key passages.

The guide is edited by SEDOC- Vatican Radio
PDF-Dokument [455.2 KB]
Study Guide for Laudato Si’: The Interfranciscan Commission for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation August 2015
It is with great pleasure that we offer this Study Guide for Laudato Si’. As preparations were underway for publication of the encyclical, the Conference of the Franciscan Family (CFF) contacted
us, the Interfranciscan Commission for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (Romans VI), and requested that we anticipate the arrival of the papal letter. In response, we proposed creation of a Study Guide meant to promote reading and study of the encyclical. The CFF accepted our proposal.
Laudato Si Study Guide.EN.pdf
PDF-Dokument [543.4 KB]
A Comment on Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ by John Zizioulas
A Comment on Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ by Elder Metropolitan John
(Zizioulas) of Pergamon
A Comment on Pope Francis’ Encyclical La[...]
PDF-Dokument [60.7 KB]
Laudato-Si-Wikipedia-PDF (4.10.2016)
Laudato si' (Medieval Central Italian for “Praise be to you”) is the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle “On Care For Our Common Home”. In it, the Pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take “swift and unified global action”.
Laudato si-Wikipedia-PDF.pdf
PDF-Dokument [171.6 KB]
Laudato Si -Discussion Guide
This discussion guide, for use with Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si', can help small groups explore and dialogue with this important document.
PDF-Dokument [704.1 KB]

Further readings

Pursuit of integral ecology: Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo,Veerabhadran Ramanathan
More than 125 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, a level of suffering not seen since World War II. The social problems are wide and deep, from war and human trafficking to the gross inequality between the wealthy 1% and the poorest 3 billion of the population. Included in the summit's Agenda for Humanity are climate and natural disasters. Indeed, 1 year ago, Pope Francis emphasized, in the encyclical Laudato Si, that complex crises have both social and environmental dimensions.
Pursuit of integral ecology.pdf
PDF-Dokument [197.0 KB]
A successful provocation for a pluralistic global society (German Watch)
The encyclical Laudato Si’ – A Magna Carta of integral ecology as a reaction to humanity’s self-destructive. This publication was financially supported by MISEREOR and Bread for the World Protestant Development Service.
Laudato-Si-German Watch.pdf
PDF-Dokument [668.6 KB]


INTERVIEW Leonardo Boff Liberation Ecology, August 2016

Theology can play a central role in defining the moral fiber of a society, including its commitment to poverty alleviation and stewardship of Earth.The encyclical Laudato Si´ is the fruit of the theological ecology that developed in recent years in Latin America. The Pope adopted the method of “see, judge, act, and celebrate” and used it to organize the encyclical. Allen White, Senior Fellow at Tellus Institute, talks with Leonardo Boff, a founder of liberation theology, about the origins of the movement and the vital connections between ecology and social justice.


Pope Francis: Environmental Sinners Will Face God’s Judgment, 13 may 2015 (Ecowatch)


“The planet has enough food for all, but it seems that there is a lack of willingness to share it with everyone,” Pope Francis said at a mass yesterday as part of the opening of the general assembly of the Catholic charitable organization Caritas Internationalis."


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