Laudato Si' Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity
                                                                     Laudato Si'            Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity                                                   Principles

The guiding standard for the media work of is the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church ( DECREE ON THE MEDIA OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS of the Second Vatican Council INTER MIRIFICA.)


Our work is based on LaudatoSi and 7 longterm principles:


Phase I (2015-2020) 

  1. Visibility:  to  highlight  and  to  make visible international relevant actions, studies and dialogues about Laudato Si Follow up impact.
  2. Rethink:  To support  and foster the relevance of Laudato Si issuses in the awareness of christians, churches, religions, science, economics and society.
  3. Credibility: Closing the gaps between words and actions with good practise in personal life and in our own house (churches).

  4. Consensus: to build consensus and and mainstream Laudato Si  issues as integral part of the Justice, Peace and the Care of Creation Movement , of the Rio implementation process (starting 1992 Earth Summit) and the SDGs.

Phase II (2020-2030) 

  1. Action, Transfer and Impact: to initiate and promote strong scientific, civil society, interreligios, ecumenical and catholic actions for strong impacts to "Protect the Earth and Dignify Humanity" in the spirit of Laudato Si via transfer of good practise.
  2. Interreligous: to  contribute to ecumenical, catholic and interreligious cooperations, networking and exchange in and between the time and world prayer day of creation.
  3. Enabeling: Innovative funding and allocation for the necessary funds and personal ressources (focus poor countries) - to enable projects and to speak with one voice.



Francis of Assisi Academy for Planetary Health

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