Laudato Si' Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity
                                                                     Laudato Si'            Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity                                                          


Documents and Publications where the Academy was involved and contributed (selection):


Francis of Assisi Academy. Altmühltal-Projekt. In: German National Committee for the European Nature Conservation Year 1995: Nature Conservation Outside Protected Areas. Final Report. Bonn 1996


Francis of Assisi Academy (eds): Reader European Symposium: Christianity and Sustainable Europe. Consultation about the new praxis of ecological responsibility. A contribution to the preparation of the 2.European Ecumenical Assembly Graz 1997 (Eichstätt 1997)


Bue, Born: Christianity and Sustainable Europe. A Challenge to the Ecumenical Movement. In: Francis of Assisi Academy (eds): Reader European Symposium. Eichstätt 1997


Vischer, Lukas: Christentum und zukunftsfähiges Europa. In: In: Francis of Assisi Academy (eds): Reader European Symposium. Eichstätt 1997


Morosini, Marco: Sustainable Italy.In: Francis of Assisi Academy (eds): Reader European Symposium. Eichstätt 1997


Ribaut, Jean-Pierre: Balance and perspective of the ecumenical process for the conservation of Creatioin in Europe: In: Francis of Assisi Academy (eds): Reader European Symposium. Eichstätt 1997


Stappen, R.K: Ethische Dimensionen der zukunftsfähigen Entwicklung (Vortrag am KSI Köln in Kooperation des Forums Umwelt und Entwicklung), Eichstätt 1996 (Working Paper)


North American Coalition on Religion and Ecology and Francis of Assisi Academy: Summary of Proceedings of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Consultation on Environmentaö Values; Sustainable Community Ethics, and Public Policy. Washington 1997 (Sponsored by German Marshall Fund of the United States in cooperation with the Environment Division of the World Bank)


The Washington Declaration of Interdependence The Washington Declaration of Interdependence has been developed by the following participants of the "Washington Consultation on Sustainable Community Ethics, Environmental Values and Public Policy" held from June 16th to 18th, 1997


KEK and CCEE: Final Report of the Second European Ecumenical Assembly (EEA2), "Reconciliation - Gift of God and Source of New Life", Graz, 1997


CONFÉRENCE DES ÉGLISES EUROPÉENNES (KEK) / CONSEIL DES CONFÉRENCES ÉPISCOPALES EUROPÉENNES (CCEE) (Ed.): Réconciliation - don de Dieu et source de vie nouvelle. Documents du 2e Rassemblement Oecuménique Européen à Graz. - Graz: Verlag Styria, 1998. J & P 500 033.


KONFERENZ EUROPÄISCHER KIRCHEN (KEK) / RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN BISCHOFSKONFERENZEN (CCEE) (Hrsg.): Versöhnung - Gabe Gottes und Quelle neuen Lebens. Dokumente der Zweiten Europäischen Ökumenischen Versammlung in Graz. - Graz: Verlag Styria, 1998. J & P 500 032.


Council of Europe: Naturopa 83 -Religions, cultures and the environment. Strassburg 1997


Brand, R., & Stappen, R. (1997). Universal Heuristic for Sustainable Development - Decision Rules for Complex Problem Solving. In Elohimjl, et al., 14th Conference of WACRA EUROPE: 1. Sustainable Development (173-178). Madrid.


Brand, R. (1997): Strategische Kooperation als Innovationschance im ländlichen Raum. (Strategic Cooperation as a Chance for Innovation in Rural Areas. In Mayer, Jörg, Loccumer Protokolle: 24. Agenda 21 Niedersachsen (137-141). Loccum. (Presentation and Proceedings)


Brand, R. (1997): Was haben New York und Graz gemeinsam? Die VN Sondergeneralversammlung und die zweite ökumenische Versammlung (What do the UN Special Session and the Second Ecumenical Assembly have in Common?). CO Rundbrief, 5, 1-2.


Stappen, R.: Können und Wollen. Zukunftsfähige Entwicklung im christlichen Europa. Politische Ökologie Nr. 48. Die grüne Versuchung - Mit Religion ins Umweltparadies


Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen:O caminho para a Agenda Comunitaria 21 - Versao brasileria. München 1998


Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen: Der Weg zu einer Kommunalen Agenda 21. München 1998


Conclusions, Reflections and Recommendations followed by the Conclusions of the Conference  ENVIRONMENT AND WORK IN EUROPE.A sustainable solution for the un/employment dilemma?, Brixen 1999


Stappen, R.: Local Agenda 21 and the Future of Work.  Congress "Environment and Work", Brixen 1999


Stadt Güstrow: "Stadt-Umland-Perspektiven - zukunftsfähige Regionen in Europa. Güstrow 2000


Stadt Ingolstadt: Visionen für Ingolstadt. Leitbild and Lokale Agenda 21 Aktionsprogramm der Stadt Ingolstadt. Ingolstadt 2002


GRI: Sustainability Guidelines 2002


Bavarian Minister for State Development and Environment Affairs: Towards A Local Sustainability Strategy. Munich 2002


CCEE-CEC Environment and Development: A Challenge to Our Lifestyles
From June 19-25, 1995 fifty-three representatives of churches and church-related organizations from twenty-two European countries and consultants from Canada, the Philippines and Chile met in the Orthodox Academy of Crete near Chania for an ecumenical consultation on "Environment and development". The meeting was organized by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE) in cooperation with the European Ecumenical Organization for Development (EECOD).
CCEE-CEC Environment and Development - A[...]
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