Laudato Si' Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity
                                                                     Laudato Si'            Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity                                                          


"As a collective force, young people have extraordinary potential to mobilise and influence tangible, positive change in our world’s food systems. Youth across the world are rallying behind #Act4Food #Act4Change. The innovative ideas and solutions of youth must be supported in the lead up to the UN Food Systems Summit and beyond. 

Our pledge brings together young people from around the world to focus on their personal actions as a contribution to system change (Source ACT4FOOD)" 

The pledge “We know our current food systems contribute to ongoing health, climate and biodiversity crises, and violation of human rights. We will only be able to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a fundamental transformation of our food systems. While we as young people have been excluded from most political and economic decision-making processes, we are also the ones who will live the longest with the consequences of decisions made today. We pledge to act. And we demand urgent large-scale action from others, especially from decision-makers in government and business.


As youth we #Act4Food #Act4Change to support #GoodFoodForAll

The concept of ‘Food Systems’ can feel complicated. This poster – What Are Food Systems? – provides a graphic overview of some of the major interconnected parts making up our food systems. Zoom in and explore some key elements of your food system today!
PDF-Dokument [2.0 MB]

Francis of Assisi Academy for Planetary Health

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