Laudato Si' Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity
                                                                     Laudato Si'            Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity                                                          

Healing the Planet by Ensuring the Right to Food for All

"There is an urgent need to reimagine and rebuild food systems with the perspective towards the care for our common home, the eradication of hunger, the respect for human dignity and the service of the common good, demonstrating that we are one human family. We must act now, join forces and build on the solidarity that exists between members of the human family towards a renewed resilient food system that is equitable, just and fair. Without exception. (Statement by Sister Alessandra SMERILLI Head of the Holy See’s Delegation, UN Food Systems Pre-Summit Rome, July 26-28th, 2021)

Healing the Planet by Ensuring the Right to Food for All
The global food ‘system’ is broken and Covid-19 has revealed and strained this system even further. The food crisis has many facets but at its core are structural inequalities that are disproportionately impacting the poor and most vulnerable. Reimagining the global food system requires an integral approach that interlinks economic, social, cultural, and environmental factors. It must address both immediate hunger and malnutrition, and longer-term structural issues.
PDF-Dokument [1.8 MB]

Guiding Principles for Action

  1. Develop resilient food systems - from production and distribution to consumption and waste management. Reinforce the food supply chains, both locally and internationally; create infrastructure to connect small farmers with local and national markets to strengthen local communities; cut greenhouse gas emissions in all phases of the food system cycle (“from farm to fork”); reduce food waste and vulnerability to external shocks (for example, the current COVID-19 pandemic or the financial crisis of 2007–2008).
  2. Ensure preferential option for the poor. Put at the center of the debate the needs of the most vulnerable communities in the world. The voices of small-scale farmers – who feed the greater part of the world's peoples and among them many women- should have a space to bring in their expertise, their knowledge and their bravery of striving every day for the right to food for all.
  3. Transform current food systems toward more sustainable pathways. Promote a circular model of production and an efficient use of resources; enhance local knowledge and practices with the aim to ensure a better protection of biodiversity, in accordance with local food systems, and to promote sustainable use of lands and oceans.
  4. Promote healthy diets. Improve access to nutritious food and make healthy diets affordable for everyone to eradicate malnutrition; support a shift to a more sustainable consumption model, especially in the wealthier countries, to fight food waste and obesity and other nutrition-related non-communicable diseases and promote a more plant-based diet.
  5. Secure adequate and just financial support to back this transformation of the food system, particularly today in the context of the recovery plans and the climate crisis we are living in, and to reduce the concentration of market power and food prices’ speculation

Francis of Assisi Academy for Planetary Health

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