Laudato Si' Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity
                                                                     Laudato Si'            Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity                                                          

7 Laudato Si’ Goals - LSGs

Measuring Integral Ecology in the spirit of Laudato Si’ 


1. Response to the Cry of the Earth (greater use of clean renewable energy and reducing fossil fuels in order to achieve carbon neutrality, efforts to protect and promote biodiversity, guaranteeing access to clean water for all, etc.)


2. Response to the Cry of the Poor (defence of human life from conception to death and all forms of life on Earth, with special attention to vulnerable groups such as indigenous communities, migrants, children at risk through slavery, etc.)


3. Ecological Economics (sustainable production, Fair-trade, ethical consumption, ethical investments, divestment from fossil fuels and any economic activity harmful to the planet and the people, investment in renewable energy, etc.)


4. Adoption of Simple Lifestyles (sobriety in the use of resources and energy, avoid single-use plastic, adopt a more plant-based diet and reduce meat consumption, greater use of public transport and avoid polluting modes of transportation, etc.)


5. Ecological Education (re-think and re-design educational curricula and educational institution reform in the spirit of integral ecology to create ecological awareness and action, promoting the ecological vocation of young people, teachers and leaders of education etc.)


6. Ecological Spirituality (recover a religious vision of God’s creation, encourage greater contact with the natural world in a spirit of wonder, praise, joy and gratitude, promote creation-centred liturgical celebrations, develop ecological catechesis, prayer, retreats, formation, etc.)


7. Emphasis on Community involvement and participatory action to care for creation at the local, regional, national and international levels (promote advocacy and people’s campaigns, encourage rootedness in local territory and neighbourhood ecosystems, etc.)

Laudato Si Best Practise:  LORETTO MOTHERHOUSE - EARTH NETWORK (founded 1990)

The Loretto Earth Network, established in 1990, is dedicated to re-establishing right relationships between the human community and the Earth community.  Members seek ways to move away from habits of dominance and submission to participate in the healing and transformation of the total Earth community.  To find out more about LEN, please contact Jessie Rathburn through the form at the bottom of the page. 


The Loretto Community consists of the congregation of the Sisters of Loretto and Loretto Co-members. The congregation of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross was founded in rural Kentucky in 1812.


Today, Sisters and Co-members continue to live out the Loretto Community’s mission to “work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us.” In the United States and throughout the world, Loretto Community members serve in many fields, including education, healthcare, elder care, environmental stewardship and advocacy.

Loretto Honors Earth Magazine -2021
The dream of Earth in harmony with that of its Creator will be fulfilled as we are transformed and participate in the healing and transformation of the total Earth community. (Earth Network Vision Statement)
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Loretto Motherhouse Workshop - How can we respond to the Gretas of the world ?

Francis of Assisi Academy for Planetary Health

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